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Help! Need this 2 part math question/essay done asap. The sooner the better. I will attach the actual scenarios that I need completed. This is a short essay for both math questions explaining how to a

Help! Need this 2 part math question/essay done asap. The sooner the better. I will attach the actual scenarios that I need completed. This is a short essay for both math questions explaining how to answer these scenarios.

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******** ** So ***** ********** *** warehouse I **** two various ********** ******* which ******* ** ******** ******* ** well as ** ******* due ***** *** both ********** ************ and ****** *** ****** ******** **** * period ** ******* The ****** again ******** ******* **** ***** **** semiannually ******* * ******** ******** annuity ***** ** ********** ************ and ****** interest of *** over * ****** ** 5 years as **** ** ****** ** $3100 **** ********** **** ** **** *** *** ** *** ****** ********* *** first year **** the principle ** ***** **** semiannual **** * **** look *** *** ****** value of *** investment to ** ********** ********************* ******** **** ************ * 1045% * 2 = ******** *** ****** value of ******** annuity table *** ** ******* ** ******* ********** ******************************************* ******* ********************** ***** the ****** ***** ** ******** is ******** *** *** ****** ******** is $333469 *** *** ordinary ********** * **** ** annuity *** **** *** *********** semiannual *** *** interest ******** *** ****** ** * ***** The ****** ** **** ********** is ***** ******* due = 3100*(110757) ******* which equals ******* *** interest ** ************* = ***** ******** ****** ** *** two *********** ******* **** *** ** ********* the ********** ******* **** ******* ** ********** *** warehouse ******** Even ****** *** ******* *** ***** be ****** optionPurchase **** *** ** ****** * ******* ******* that goes at ***** of ******** ** *** *** financial responsibility ** **** company ** **** **** *** maintain ************* **** sinking **** ******* of ******** ******* ** else ****** value * **** ** look for *** sinking **** payment ***** *********** ******** in 3 ***** ** *** ****** *********** ********* **** lead ** ** periods and 12% ******** **** *** **** ****** **** the ***** ******** ** *** ***** is ** ******* *** (0048/4120 ******* I get value of $140356 ***** the ******* *** the ******* **** ** ******* **** be ****** at *** *** ** **** ****** *** ***** years at *** *** ******** **** With ******** rate earned ** ******* **** ***** ** ******* *** $18000 *** investment ****** 18000 less ****** ** ********* ******* * ******* time frame **** * ****** ******** **** for *** ******** of *** ******* ******* *** ********** ***** ** * ***** ** ** ********* ** ***** shall be * periods *** ** *** ******** **** and ***** ** ******* **** ***** excel ****** *** (006/480 ******* So now * **** *** ******* fund ******* of ******* ***** ** ****** ** **** period for *** ***** ** ** interest The *********** ********* annuity ****** ***** company ******* ** ******* from the ***** ****** Compared ** *** short-term ********* and higher interest rate of ******* fund ********* savings ***** be ***** ** ******* **** ** *********** ** savings **** ** ** made ** **** **** **** *** annuity ****** chosenThe ******** expansion will ***** **** revenue ******* ***** ** ******* *** **** ******* ***** is * chance ** ******** *** *** markets ** **** ** ************ ********* ** **** ******** *** ***** with ********** expansion efficiency ** **** as meeting needs ** expanded market ***** shall ** vital *** thriving of *** ******* *** * moment fence **** ******** machine ** ********** though ** **** reach *** ****** lifespan ** **** ****** ***** ** will better ** *********** on **** ***** make ** ****** when *** ******** ******* **** as saving *** *** machine ** **** ** ********* **** ********* space ** prioritize ********* plan ** ****** *** company ***** need ** recognize **** ** the ******** ** shall ****** ** *** ** ******** upon ********* ** ***** ** ** ***** ***** ****** payments *** ******* ***** ** ****** *** *** in ********* as **** ** ***** revenues ****** **** ********* of business ********* ** ********* ********

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