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Hi, I am a Chinese student, my teacher always said I have grammar mistakes and using of wrong word. Can you help me check my grammar?

Hi, I am a Chinese student, my teacher always said I have grammar mistakes and using of wrong word. Can you help me check my grammar? And also I don't know if my essay meet the prompts. Thx!!!!

  1. Disguises, deception, illusions, and performance.Considering either King Lear, Doctor Faustus, or both, explore the role of falsehood and deception in these works of drama. Illusions and tricks are inherent to Marlowe's portrayal of magic. For Shakespeare, falsehoods and honesty on the part of Lear's daughters set in motion the action of the play. How does the use of deceit work to advance the plots of these plays? How does it sow confusion or illuminate truth? How does it create irony or humor for the audience? How do the playwrights take advantage of the discrepancy between the perception of the characters and the experience of the audience? Conversely, what do we learn about truth through the exploration of falsehood?

               Rows are More Than Words

King Lear is Shakespeare's last tragedy and the shortest one. The plot includes two clues; the main line revolves around King Lear and his three daughters, the auxiliary line revolves around Gloucester and his two sons Edgar and Edmond. The tragedy of King Lear reflects the darkness and brightness of human nature when facing the family, love and power and wealth, warning people rows are more than words when people need to judge a person.

Aristotle, a great philosopher, once said in Poetics: "The plot is the soul of tragedy, and its tragic effect mainly depends on the generation and development of the plot." Shakespeare used and developed the plot theory of Poetics in King Lear, which made the play have a uniquely artistic charm. In Poetics, it is pointed out that tragedies can produce the most tragic effects only when there are miserable incidents between relatives, and tragedies among the closest relatives are the most touching. The tragedy of King Lear is unfolded between Lear and his three daughters and is the root of the disaster buried by the faint Lear's family test; Edmond, the illegitimate son in the sideline, mutilates his brothers for property and even sells his father; both stories take place between father and son, father and daughter, brothers and sisters. The resulting tragic effect is even more stirring.

Throughout the play King Lear, we could see various deceptions, such as the Deception of Kent to King Lear, the Deception of the two elder daughters to King Lear, The Deception of Edmund to Gloucester, the deception between Goneril and Regan and so on. The paper is mainly going to discuss with two main deceptions and do some analysis.

1.The Deception of the two elder daughters to King Lear

"Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter; Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty; Beyond what can be valued, rich or rate; No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honor; As much as the child ever loved, or father found; A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable." Said by Goneril(King Lear, Shakespeare)

"Myself energy to all other joys, which the most precious square of sense possesses; And find I am alone felicitate In your dear highness' love." Said by Regan(King Lear, Shakespeare)

"I love your majesty according to my bond; nor more, nor less." Said by Cordelia(King Lear, Shakespeare)

What a charming eloquence, King Lear was in full swing and gave Goneril and Regan property, but did they love their father so much? No! Their confession of love is their thirst for power, their expression of family feelings is their desire for wealth, and their understanding of father-daughter relationship is a performance blinded by interests. Goneril and Regan's answers made King Lear very happy, satisfied Lear's vanity, immersed Lear in his daughter's love, and blinded Lear's eyes. Ironically, the youngest daughter Cordelia, who is honest and sincere in love with King Lear, has angered King Lear for her poor words and has not received any reward. King Lear's distribution of power and wealth determined his fate in the future. When King Lear completely handed over the country and land to his two daughters, he immediately lost their love for him, and they even did not welcome their father to live in their own home.

2.The Deception of Edmund to Gloucester

"This policy and reverence of age make the world bitter to the best of our times; keeps our fortunes from us till our oldness cannot relish them. I begin to find an idle and fond bondage in the oppression of aged tyranny, who sways, not as it hath power, but as it is suffered. Come to me, that of this I may speak more. If our father would sleep till I waked him, you should enjoy half his revenue forever, and live the beloved of your brother. Edgar."(King Lear, Shakespeare)

In Gloucester's view, Edgar in the letter showed great disrespect for himself., which is the irrefutable evidence of his son's betrayal of himself. However, in the readers' view, this letter is Edmund's evil plan, and the is the person who betrays Gloucester. Because Edmund is an illegitimate son and cannot inherit Gloucester's wealth, title and land, he chooses to frame his brother though despicable method. Through the description plan, readers can see that Plan Edmund is a cold-blooded person who only wants to pursue fame and wealth, regardless of family ties. After reading the letter, Gloucester chose to believe in Edmund and abandon Edgar, which is strikingly similar to King Lear's choice. Believing in the wrong person foreshadows Gloucester will suffer greatly later. Sure enough, when Gloucester is going to pick up King Lear to his house, Edmund betrays Gloucester without hesitation for the sake of a higher title and more wealth.

Through these deceptions, Shakespeare conveys people the idea that when people need to judge a person, people should focus more on the sentenced person's behavior, not the word. To illustrate, the cause of the tragedies of King Lear and Gloucester is they judge people just based on people's rhetoric, but not on their behavior. King Lear distribute his power and wealth only according to daughters praise, and Gloucester abandon his son just because of a letter. Imaging that if King Lear can see his little daughter, Cordelia, heads the Frances troops to rescue him, Gloucester can see Edgar's effort to protect him, tragedies may be avoided. Other deceptions can also help Shakespeare build his argument. For example, though Kent lies to King Lear that he is just an ordinary people who want a job from King, Kent tries his best to protect King Lear and King's dignity, which reveals the importance of looking for one's rows. As an old saying goes "faithful words offend the ear but are good for improving one's conduct" No matter How strong are people's vanity, we should always keep an eye on the facts.

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