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Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on analysis of how and when to tell your kids about sex christian Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on analysis of how and when to tell your kids about sex christian Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The book advised that parents should be the primary source of sex education to safeguard their children from the highly sexual orientation of society. Finally, the book prescribed for a close parent-child relationship because it helps in the development of constructive sex education that is beneficial for the child.

One of the main themes discussed by the authors is that Christian sex education cannot be completed in one sitting. It has to be continuous so that when children have questions about sex, parents can readily shed light on the subject for the children to learn and understand. Stan and Brenna recommended that instead of avoiding the topic of sex at home, parents should be willing to discuss it with their children and even advised that parents should encourage their children to ask any questions that they might have about sex. They advocated that parents should provide a positive message about sex to their children because it is one of the ways to ensure that their children can have a constructive knowledge about sex. Having a constructive knowledge about sex is important because it instills confidence from children that enables them to resist licentious sexual behaviors such as promiscuity that could lead to contracting sexually transmitted diseases (Jones & Jones, 2007). This book empowers children to become responsible adults that will enable them to lead an ideal Christian life by being properly guided by their parents.

Stan and Brenna advocated for parents to be the primary source of sex education for their children because this is one of the ways where they can safeguard their children from the highly sexual orientation of society that has developed in recent years (Jones & Jones, 2007). The authors suggest that parents should not assume that their children know their moral stand and&nbsp.instead should take an active role in making sure that children know about sex.

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