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Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on application of middle-range nursing theory Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on application of middle-range nursing theory Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hildegard Peplau created middle-range theories. This lofty and noble theory has revolutionized the scholarly work of nursing. As a core contributor to mental health reform, she advocated for the humane treatment of patients with behavioral and personality disorders (Peterson & Bredow, 2008). In 1948, she wrote a book entitled Interpersonal Relations in Nursing. In her book, she emphases the significance of the nurse-patient relationship as the foundation of nursing practice.

&nbsp.Middle-range theories have proved to be the most significant for both practice and research.

Their growth is a continuum rather than discrete. New models are stated and added regularly. The theories base their focus mainly on the emotional aspects such as grief, pain, guilt, and hope experienced during nurse-patient interactions (Smith & Liehr, 2008). &nbsp.It is essential, therefore, to understand the framework within which the middle range theories exist.

As it is prevalent in many disciplines to have their constructs for considering their theories and applications, a construct within the health discipline known as the Ladder of Abstraction also exists.

According to Peterson & Bredow (2008), the Ladder of Abstraction delineates three different levels of ideas about health concepts such as pain. Therefore, it is comprised of three distinct rungs, each representing a different perspective and approach to a health matter. The three rings are: philosophical, theoretical, and empirical, arranged in descending order (Peterson & Bredow, 2008). Thus, the philosophical rung represents more abstract thoughts as compared to academic as well as empirical rungs.

Middle-range theories fall within the theoretical level. Symbols, ideas, and concepts characterize this level. The approaches fall between the micro range theories and the grand theory. Micro range theories are applicable in specific circumstances. They are also limited to a particular field of study or a specified population (Peterson & Bredow, 2008). On the other hand, grand theories cover a wide scope. Middle-range ideas are broader in size than micro range theories and have a more general focus than splendid views.

With this background information, it is necessary to examine the three middle range theories within the framework of the Ladder of Abstraction in regard to pain as a common health issue.

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