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Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on arab spring Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on arab spring Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Annotated Bibliography Arab Spring Summary: In this article “Arab Spring Uprising” the Manfreda mentioned some facts about what happened in the Middle East. First he started with Tunisia and the story of Mohammed Bouazizi. The writer believes that the most important reasons for the protest were the death of Bouazizi. He also said the Arab Spring impact on the Middle East. He divided his topic for eight sections. he said each country in one separate paragraph. Starting with what happened in Tunisia, ending by Jordan.


This source was useful because it provided insight of what happened in the Middle East.

"Arab Spring Uprisings." About.com Middle East Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013.

Generation on a Tightrope a Portrait of Todays College Students


This article is about understanding todays undergraduate college students is crucial to the adequacy of our countrys schools and colleges. The authors argue that todays students require an altogether different training than the students who preceded them. They say that the 21st Century education is of low standard, The article analyse a person desires yearnings, academics, disposition, values, convictions, social life, attitude and governmental issues, this book paints a faultless representation of todays people. The book offers advice on how to handle current students.


This source was useful because it paints a precise representation of todays understudies and how to handle students.

Levine, Arthur, and Diane R. Dean. Generation On A Tightrope A Portrait of Todays College Students. Third ed. Vol. 1. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2012. Print.

Tunisian Man Sets Himself on Fire to Protest Unemployment


The authors of the article Tarek al-Tayeb Mohamed Bouazizi, a Tunisian road seller who sets himself ablaze on 17 December 2010, in challenge of the appropriation of his wares and the badgering and mortification that he reported was delivered on him by a metropolitan authority and her helpers. His protest turned into an impetus for the Tunisian Revolution and the more extensive Arab Spring, actuating shows and mobs all around Tunisia in dissent of social and political issues in the nation. General societys resentment and roughness strengthened emulating Bouazizis passing, heading then-President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to venture down on 14 January 2011, following 23 years in power.


This source was useful because it inspired protests in several other Arab countries, plus several non-Arab countries. The young Tunisian man acts as a role model in fight for human rights and freedoms.

Abedine, Saad. "Tunisian Man Sets Himself on Fire to Protest Unemployment." CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

The Worlds Muslims: Unity and Diversity


According to this article The Worlds Muslims: Unity and Diversity, Pew Forum estimates that 87-90% of the world’s Muslims are Sunnis, while 10-13% are Shias. This new study of Muslims by Pew explores the religious practices and beliefs of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. While there is broad agreement on core tenets of Islam, the study also finds that Muslims differs significantly on the importance of religion in their lives and on the groups and practices they accept as part of Islam. The survey was conducted in 39 countries or territories with substantial Muslim populations and involved more than 38, 000 face-to-face interviews in over 80 languages (Pew, 2013).

Evaluation :

This source was useful because it establishes the levels which the religious commitment, openness to multiple interpretations of Muslim faith and acceptance of various sects and movements differ among the different people.

"The Worlds Muslims: Unity and Diversity." Pew Research Centers Religion Public Life Project RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

Connecting to the Net. Generation: What higher education professionals need to know about today’s student


In this article, the authors talk about the Net Generation, whose parts were conceived in and after 1982, is the biggest era in U.S. history, surpassing 80 million in number. They touch base on school and college facilities having been shoppers of innovation in ways that past eras scarcely comprehend, and the tests that this assembly of scholars present is interesting.


This source was important because, it serve as a social manual for the Net Generation, in the same way as travel aides for individuals who are investigating new places. Theres nothing inalienably "wrong" with scholars from the Net Generation or with individuals from different eras. there are only social obstructions that need to be comprehended (and succeed) to consider the best working connections between gatherings.

Junco, R. & Mastrodicasa, J. (2007). Connecting to the Net. Generation: What higher education professionals need to know about today’s student. Washington, DC: NASA

Issue Guide: One Year of Arab Spring Upheavals


“ The articles about a street vendor who set himself on fire in Sidi Bouzid inTunisia. This was as an act of protest, this action by Bouzid set the Arab world in successive civilian uprising”


This information was useful because it shows how the Civil uprisings began.

“Issue Guide: One Year of Arab Spring Upheavals” Council on Foreign Relations, N.p., n.d. Web. December, 12, 2011.

Youth population and employment in the middle east and north Africa: opportunity or challenge?


“The article is about unemployment in the middle east and north Africa (MENA). According to the study MENA has the highest unemployment of youths in the world, with Egypt 82% of the people who are unemployment are the youths. The major cause of unemployment has been attributed to the increased of fertility of women from MENA. However, the high number of youths has been noted that can contribute to the development of the country. Although, there is a a problem managing high number of unemployed youths therefore, most likely insecurity is likely to increase”


The information was very relevant because it contributes a lot in understanding unemployment of youths in MENA.

“Youth population and employment in the middle east and north africa: opportunity or challenge?” United Nations Expert Group Meeting On Adolescents, Youth And Development, July, 22, 2011.

Works Cited

Levine,Arthur,Diane R. Dean. “Generation On A Tightrope A Portrait of Todays College Students”. San Francisco (2012).

Abedine, Saad. "Tunisian Man Sets Himself on Fire to Protest Unemployment." CNN. Cable News Network ( 2010).

Pew Research Centers Religion Public Life Project RSS "The Worlds Muslims: Unity and Diversity". (2013).

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