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Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on cyborgs in cinema Paper must be at least 3250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on cyborgs in cinema Paper must be at least 3250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! In Cronenberg’s film, we get to see how the forms of sexual experience are doubled with the psychopathology of self-destruction. This is seen as characters in the film migrate from being fascinated with cars of all models and crashes of cars to imposing pain and injuries on themselves. A post-modern Cyborg shows the difference in anxiety between human beings and technology in the form of both literature and films. A Cyborg shows the relationship between human beings and technology and how technology and machines have affected the feelings of human beings in many ways. The Cyborg which is postmodern exhibits the features and characteristics of human beings because of their physical appearance. The postmodern Cyborg has a body that looks like that of a human being and is also emotionally autonomous. Cyborg does not show its clear distinction of being a machine and a human being because of its many features that reflect the reality of human beings. It looks like a human being and at the same time has emotions.

The Cyborg is a postmodern image which shows the correlation between machines and human beings. It also shows how technological advancement can manipulate the human body and produce an image similar to human beings. Technology is used to manipulate the psychology and feelings of human beings and effectively fix them in machines to come up with a Cyborg. Haraway (1991) in his explanation of a Cyborg gives an example of a film known as ‘Blade Runner’ to show the likeness of Cyborgs to human beings because of their physical appearance. The film involves a Cyborg named Replicant which does not show any dissimilarity in stipulations of the physical appearance with human beings. The film further depicts their main task of working for humans since they are created in the laboratory through several machines.

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