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Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on human and their fighting for life Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on human and their fighting for life Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Shaver and Mukilincer (n.d.) have expressed their concern regarding the human psyche about Death. They say that being human, we should be aware that we have to die one day. Death is the moment of nothingness when a person loses everything i.e. Feelings, emotions, and loved ones.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Most people think that Death and dying are the same, but it is not the case. If someone is dying, they might get a chance to recover and get back to the joys of life. However, the one who is dead can never get such a case. Death is an ultimate thing, after which all things become meaningless.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. You might have seen older adults suffering from various diseases and longing for Death. For such people, dying and Death are the same, as life seems aimless and meaningless. We see that those who were successful in their youth period prove to be a failure in their old age. The question arises as to the underlying factors and reasons behind it.

&nbsp.&nbsp. The answer is their hope, which was very high when they were young, but which is lost in their old time. The same human strength phenomenon to fight for life is described in the novel “man’s search for meaning”. It is said that it is the meaning of life that awakens the urge to live in a human. Hopeless behavior ultimately leads a person to Death.&nbsp.Frankl shares his life experiences. he survived in prison when others were dying because of a lack of food and medicine. It is not a complicated philosophy that a man suffering from hunger and diseases suffers when others suffering from the same conditions die. It is just a matter of how you take a critical situation.

&nbsp.&nbsp. We just need to stop them from thinking about Death all the time, just as the author did to keep him alive. In such situations, where it seems complicated to live, it is advisable for a human to stay positive and to debar from negative thinking as negativity calls for a more significant and earlier loss than the upcoming one.To forget about the occurrence of Death and to busy we in the hustle and bustle of this world cannot be a solution. To give life, a meaningful end is a better idea, in my opinion. Our deeds should be representative of ourselves and should make others learn as to how life is led in an honorable manner.

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