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Hi i need a paragraph written 10 sentences long. Do not use MLA guidelines must be typed Times New Roman font style. Compare your answers to the following key: Maya Angelou Grammar Revised Key ADA.doc

Hi i need a paragraph written 10 sentences long. Do not use MLA guidelines must be typed Times New Roman font style.

  • Compare your answers to the following key: Maya Angelou Grammar Revised Key ADA.docx Maya Angelou Grammar Revised Key ADA.docx - Alternative Formats
  • Afterward, type one paragraph discussing your reaction to Angelou's technique of using imagery to re-create a scene from long ago. Your paragraph should be approximately eight to ten sentences long. Consider her style and tone; is she using a lot of big words to write above the reader's understanding, or does her motive seem to be an attempt to draw the reader into her world? Also, briefly describe a similar memory from your past that may be equally special. As you write your paragraph, focus on using different types of sentence patterns and using clear, creative nouns and active verbs instead of linking verbs. Focus on appealing to your readers' senses as well.
  • To enter the discussion board, click on the discussion board link (i.e. click on the title for this assignment); once the page reloads, click on the button that says “Create Thread” and enter the discussion board. Do NOT upload your paragraph as a Word document; instead, actually write your paragraph in the “Message” section of the discussion board and then hit the “submit” button. Also keep in mind that you are NOT using MLA guidelines for any of the discussion boards, so for these assignments, you don’t need to include the four-line header, page number, indented paragraph, Times New Roman font style, etc.; MLA guidelines should only be used for your writing assignments (except for the email and business letter assignments). You do, however, need to pay close attention to grammar and punctuation for these assignments.
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