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Hi, I need help with essay on AIDS is a Worldwild Epidemic. Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages... Governments and international organiza

Hi, I need help with essay on AIDS is a Worldwild Epidemic. Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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Governments and international organizations have long been tasked with objectives to end the AIDS pandemic. In fact, there has been so much progress in determining a cure for HIV/AIDS over the years. However, Sub-Saharan Africa remains the hardest hit by the AIDS pandemic (Avert, 1). AIDS prevalence in Western countries and in Africa has been different. This has raised the question of unique risk factors in Africa and whether the mode of transmission of the HIV virus in Africa is different from that of the rest of the world. In Africa, the ratio of AIDS infection between the males to females is 1:1 while in the Western society is 8:1. The spread of HIV/AIDS varies in terms of sex, age and sexual orientation. It is feared that heterosexuals will continue to make 95% of people lining with HIV/AIDS (Stine 269). In addition, gay men in the United States will make up 53% of new HIV/AIDS infections in the coming years (Stine 295). There are various modes of transmission of the various methods that aggravate the spread include: promiscuity, female circumcision and infibulations, exposure to infected blood and practices involving sharing of instruments. HIV can be contracted through any of the forms of sexual intercourse. HIV virus is spread the same way AIDS is spread. Recent research showed that nearly half of all AIDS cases in the US were mostly from the southern region (Stine 298). Currently, the number of new infections has gone down, but this is not to mean that the problem is over. Much is being done though to prevent HIV transmission. In the USA, the first people to contract AIDS were five homosexual men who were diagnosed with unusual form of pneumonia. Ever since, the disease has killed many people more than the deaths resulting from the World War II and military deaths combined. It is estimated that over one million people suffering from AIDS die each year and around 9,000 new infections are reported daily worldwide (Stine). AIDS has had a great impact on medicine and a mark on the American culture. It has brought forth the need to discuss sexuality and the issue of homosexuality in the open. Also, patient activism has been rampant in the recent past and people are not afraid to disclose their status. There have been many campaigns by different organizations and the government encouraging people to get tested know their HIV status. AIDS does not carry the stigma it carried when it first set in since nowadays AIDS patients can access quality health care and the anti-retroviral drugs that suppress the effect of the disease. Responsible sexual behavior and safer sex has been a subject in the media encouraging the people to use protection each time they have sex with anyone else other than their spouse. The young people are also advised to embrace chastity or delay the first time they have sex so as to limit the number of potential sex partners. Television programming and music has also changed since some of these platforms are used to sensitize people on HIV and AIDS and the available care (Farber 50). In addition, sex education in schools for preventive purposes has been included in the school’s curriculums. Peer counseling has also become a common phenomenon during schools hours and condoms availed to the youth for prevention. In many countries in Africa, condoms are given for free in health care centers and public facilities (Avert, 1). There has also been increased condom use by the sexually active people.

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