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Hi, I need help with essay on Astronomy. Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!According to various reports, the Atlantic Ocean is getting is bigger at the rate of five to ten

Hi, I need help with essay on Astronomy. Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

According to various reports, the Atlantic Ocean is getting is bigger at the rate of five to ten centimeters per year. Since the size of the earth does not increase, the increase experienced by the Atlantic Ocean means that some plates must be shrinking. Since the seafloor is also expanding, the expansion is believed to continue (NASA).

There are various members of the solar system. Earth and Venus are among the members of the solar system. Earth is the third closest planet to the sun whereas Venus is the second closest to the sun. Therefore, being relatively closer to the sun compared to the Earth, Venus is considered to be a lot hotter. The planet Venus is believed to have average temperatures of over 460 degrees centigrade. On the other hand, the planet Earth has an average temperature of 14 degrees centigrade.

Nevertheless, both planets share similar composition, similar size, and more importantly, they have an atmosphere that has a complex weather system. Venus is believed to have a smooth surface like that of the earth although there is a variation of what it is and what it is expected to be. There is sizeable evidence showing the same geographical features that are available on planet earth. For instance, volcanoes, Canyons, lava flows, rift valleys, craters, mountains plains among others are also present in Venus (NASA).

Just like planet Earth, Venus has a considerable number of mountains. As a matter of fact, Venus is believed to have mountains that are higher than those of Earth. Maxwell Montes, one of the highest mountains on Venus has an elevation of 11 kilometers. The elevation of Maxwell Montes is believed to be 2 kilometers higher than the highest mountain Mount Everest, which is highest mountain in Planet Earth.

Substantial evidence shows that volcanoes and lava flows are also present in Venus. This is shown due to the change in

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