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Hi, I need help with essay on Business Management Critical Thinking: Decision Making. Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!In a SWOT analysis, this is certainly a strength of

Hi, I need help with essay on Business Management Critical Thinking: Decision Making. Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

In a SWOT analysis, this is certainly a strength of the company as well as an opportunity since we can use the desire of the government to gain benefits such as time defined tax breaks and we may even manage to get rid of a lot of the red tape that businesses often get tangled in. Our present situation of working out of a trailer and the destruction of the local infrastructure places us on a weak footing as this weakness can even lead the project to failure if it is not managed properly.

However, with the proper investments, this weakness can be overcome with time and effort.

The natural disasters which struck the country previously continue to be a threat to us since our investment as well as the gains we make in establishing proper systems in Kava can literally be washed away. This threat needs to be mitigated through proper disaster management systems and backup operations on a different location within Kava as well as the home office. We know that the human resources available in Kava are of a high quality and they cost quite a lot less than what we would pay for comparative services in the home country. Therefore, it might be possible to utilize this opportunity to move a part of our production unit to Kava if other factors remain equal.

In essence, this would firmly establish our presence in the Pacific and also allow us to expand into other markets which are nearby such as Australia and China. If we already have a presence there, the production line could supplement the output from those locations and help meet the demand which is expected to come from the fast developing nations of the Pacific Rim.

In both cases, moving a part of our production line to Kava would also encourage the further movement of allied management control systems such as leadership values, finance management system, purchasing systems, production

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