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Hi, I need help with essay on Cross Cultural Advertising. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!ds that generalize their approach to a distinctive market place.’ This contex

Hi, I need help with essay on Cross Cultural Advertising. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

ds that generalize their approach to a distinctive market place.’ This contextualizes this study, consequently augmenting the fact that advertising has relied on culture to deliver a message effectively. This is what entails the whole concept of Cultural Advertising. Furthermore, the current element of globalization has resulted in the industry adjusting accordingly, and this necessitated the need to move from a cultural based advertising platform to a cross-cultural one. This has been facilitated by the developments in social media that makes it possible to share content widely and rapidly among consumers. As much as this seems to be a noble idea, it has raised questions regarding the effect of designing advertisements across platforms. In light of this, the controversy generated raises the question, ‘Is cross-cultural advertising bringing a unified message or a unified culture into a society?’ The affirmative power of advertising is brought into this research through previous studies, and this facilitates the learning of how culture influences advertising and focusing on the advertising strategies and techniques used. This enables the proper adaptation into a country’s culture. Additionally, it brings to light the individualistic structuring of the American/European culture and the collective or communal Asian culture. Another factor to consider is the way that previous studies focused on the means rather than the consequences on the society. To this end, the subsequent research proposal will put emphasis on the following:

In consideration of the research, the first assumption that can be made is that a cross-cultural advertising approach is an obstacle to a society’s endemic culture. Studies have confirmed that most consumers have had some form of opposition and negative reactions to the cross-cultural approach to advertising, thereby supporting this assumption. Therefore, this strengthens the understanding that the strategy is not particularly

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