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Hi, I need help with essay on E. Asia Thought/Comp Perspectv. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!While many still argue over the nature and number of souls, Confucianism ho

Hi, I need help with essay on E. Asia Thought/Comp Perspectv. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

While many still argue over the nature and number of souls, Confucianism holds that a person have multiple souls which are basically grouped into hun , which is associated with yang, and po, that is often linked to yin. Apparently, upon death, the two souls separate where hun ascends into heaven and po goes into the earth where it exists in within a spirit form. Confucianism accentuation of the sanctified nature of the secular realm of human relations cannot be underrated. Confucianism accentuates ancestor reverence and veneration to the family. An individual receives aid and cooperation of deceased relatives by carrying out their rites properly. Similarly, failure to perform the proper rituals leads to misfortune since the ancestors become peeved. This paper shall candidly and comprehensively explicate the four dimensions of Confucian veneration with an aim of indicating the importance of the practices to both the living and the dead.

In Confucianism, while mourning of a loved one varies according to region and sect, the mourning often involves elegant rituals. Apparently, the intensity of the mourning utterly reflects the quality of the association that an individual had with the deceased. Simply put, East Asians who were loyal to Confucianism mourned deeply or intensely when a close relative or someone who they had a strong relationship died while the mourning was not so intense when the dead was a distant relative or when the departed is someone who had not created a strong relationship with the mourners (Oldstone-Moore, 2002). From Confucius’ time to the early 20th century, the mourning period was prescribed to be 3 years which reflected the very first 3 years in a child’s life (Gardner et al, 2003).

This is the period when a child is completely dependent on their parents and the parents love them unconditionally. The mourning practices are often somber and it is thought that it only attracted people due to

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