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Hi, I need help with essay on Educational Mission Statement. Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages... Philosophy’s approach to such probl

Hi, I need help with essay on Educational Mission Statement. Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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Philosophy’s approach to such problems is critical and systematic, and it relies on rational argument. Johns Hopkins University is an American-based institution which offers knowledge to individuals via research and scholarship. The institution consists of nine campuses and divisions. The campuses provide different and specific courses of education including engineering, arts and sciences, medicine, music, public health, education and Carey business, and advanced international studies. It was the first university in the United States that started offering knowledge and carrying out treatment at the same time. The university was inaugurated by Daniel Coit Gilman (its first president), who also, laid out a mission that has remained the institution’s mission up to today (Simpson, 2000). One of the most famous educational universities in the United States is Harvard University. It is the oldest institution of advanced learning and first Corporation recorded in the country. It has campuses all over the Boston metropolitan area. It offers courses such as psychology, design and law. The institution comprises of the undergraduate schools, research centers, graduate schools and other academic bodies. However, Harvard University does not have a formal mission statement (Bethel 1998). Similarities between the mission and philosophy statement of Johns Hopkins University and that of Harvard University The mission of both universities is to provide education for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students according to the highest professional standards. They focus on training of intellectuals and the highest academic quality scholarship. The institutions are known for their emphasis on critical thinking since they both deal with research activities. There is no bias in their offertory of knowledge. no criticism. They have weathered social change storms, opening their doors to all categories of people, even to minorities and women. Both largely abandon oversights of the private lives of their young undergraduates Both institutions were set on Christian foundations. They draw their historical strength in the studies of Christianity and their considerable resources in the world or global religious studies to educate scholars, ministers, and other professionals for service and leadership nationally and internationally. To help in constructing a globe in which individuals can work and live together across boundaries of religion and culture, the institutions strive to be major resources in theological and religious studies for the community, for the academy, and in the public sphere. Regarding the Christian foundations of these institutions, they both have the following goals to offer considerable scholarly expertise in the traditions of Christianity and other religions. They also offer (in collaboration with the Arts and Sciences faculty) standardized studies in religion and theology for undergraduate, graduate, and post graduate students. Furthermore, they help different communities deal with existing issues as a result of best scholarship and via ideal preparation of ministers or servants and other religious leaders. The institution also provide necessary religion studying resources with keenness to diversity issues, regarding gender, religious tradition, ethnicity, race, and class. Lastly, they foster a rigid community sense among their students, staff, faculty, and alumni.

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