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Hi, I need help with essay on Effect of fish oil supplement in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes. Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download f

Hi, I need help with essay on Effect of fish oil supplement in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes. Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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Furthermore, there is also the risk of the development of high blood pressure among those who have diabetes. It has been estimated the risk of developing heart diseases more than doubles within the first few years of the discovery of diabetes in individuals. In addition, more than seventy five percent of the people who have diabetes are at risk of dying because of heart disease, a situation that is indeed scary for those concerned. Nutritional remedies for the prevention of heart disease among those people with diabetes have been and continue being studied, in the hope that a lasting solution to this problem will be found. It has been recommended by specialists in cardiovascular diseases that the consumption of fish oil supplements would ensure that the body is well supplied with omega 3 fatty acids, which are good in the prevention of heart disease. Research suggests that the consumption of fish oil supplement daily is most effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes and should therefore be used as a primary treatment for diabetes. Plenty of literature has been written concerning the merits of fish oil supplements being effective in the reduction of cardiovascular disease and some of these shall be analyzed. ...

en by Rudkowska concerning the association between fish consumption and the protection from cardiovascular disease is that there was a lot of consumption of the heart friendly omega 3 fatty acids, which protected the population from this disease. From this time onwards, it is stated that the tests which were carried out on fish consumption proved that it, in fact, helped to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease through the intake of the omega 3 fatty acids. While this may be true, further studies of fish consumption showed that for those people who did not have a history of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, the consumption of more than five helpings of fish every week increased the risk of the development of the latter disease. This was in comparison with those people who consumed fish not more than once every month, and the risk was slightly higher in the case of women than in men. The presence of toxins such as dioxins and methyl mercury in fish has been reported to be responsible for interruption of insulin signaling pathways. Further studies have shown that the consumption of large amounts of fish oil might interfere with the glucose tolerance and the insulin resistance in those individuals who have type 2 diabetes (Bjorgas 2012). Despite the fact that fish oil supplements may be harmful to individuals with type 2 diabetes, this is not because of the oil itself but the large amounts of it that is consumed. If the fish oil is consumed in small, reasonable amounts by those who have diabetes, then there would be no risk of there being any problems with glucose control in the body.

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