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Hi, I need help with essay on Enterpreneurship: Learning from Inspiring Stories. Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages... In this era, besid

Hi, I need help with essay on Enterpreneurship: Learning from Inspiring Stories. Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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In this era, besides theories it is really getting hard to capture market and penetrate into the market to outclass competitors. As far as, Madam C.J.Walker’s success story is concerned, we should not forget that at that time, competitors were not there to give you tough times. Though she worked 24/7 to make it through but in this fast era, it needs a strategic marketing and management planning to enter and strive in market. Let’s take a closer look to her struggles. Madam C.J. Walker is known for being a successful businesswoman in her time and for empowering black women as she succeeds. She started when she faced critical hair and scalp problems which let her consult a pharmacist and thus ended up in preparing her own treating mixtures. When it worked miraculously then she planned to introduce it to local markets. It involved door to door sales and marketing which is never as easy task. She set a treatment process which includes Shampoo, a pomade hair grower, and application of heated combs. (mygrowthplan.org). When this got enough fame to carry on, she progressed to different cities, states and then crossed borders (Maxwell 9). She even made a special college where her employees can learn skills related to hair care (mygrowthplan.org). Later she took active part in politics and social activities. Analysis: There are certain points that we should not let forgo, as those are the turning points for any business to expand. Before preparing her mixture, she had a similar work experience which let her understand the complexities of chemical mixture. Otherwise an inexperience person could have ruin the mixture or have gotten something disastrous. Secondly, the most practical thing she did was to start with door to door sales with her own practical example. This saved her marketing budget and sales commission which definitely contributed in her net profit. Third and the most impressive thing she adopted were to make a training institute for her employees. This strategy is adopted in 21st century, to boost their business with excellent managers or carriers which require a huge share to train employees. She is a trend setter for training employees and accommodating them all in her own company, which was her real time achievement. Social activities could have helped her too but excellent homework was done before putting her plans forward. She contributed as a social worker in a way that she educated women for keeping themselves clean and hygienic to avoid such threatening problems. Being your own boss requires faith in yourself, laced up with determination and courage to meet upcoming challenges of business market. But when flourished, no opportunity can replace the peace of being your own Boss. Second impressive success story tells us that age is not a barrier, whereas age can be a positive factor for you to deal business issues more strategically and maturely. Caryl Parker, Ex IBMer, introduced herself as an entrepreneur when she was 48 years old. She did blunders in the beginning but did not lose hope, in fact worked more efficiently to bring something attractive for tennis lovers. She designed gripping pads for tennis rackets which required no money until she hired a printing company to print her higrips. She learned to get more planned while she was setting things in line like getting more economical phone package, paying her own family for packing. Some of her decisions were right in time.

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