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Hi, I need help with essay on Ethical Decisions with Regards to Patients Suffering from Dementia. Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Ethical Decisions with Regards to Patien

Hi, I need help with essay on Ethical Decisions with Regards to Patients Suffering from Dementia. Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Ethical Decisions with Regards to Patients Suffering from Dementia

Whereas there is a strict code of ethics and guidelines that must be followed in regards to seeking to maintain patient understanding and acquiescence to treatment, this strict code of ethics must necessarily be bent and morphed in order to allow for different shareholders to make those decisions that would most represent the needs for the furthered well-being of the patient with a form of dementia. This is of course based upon individual need and the dynamics of age, overall health, and prognosis for whichever physical malady is concerned. As a means of understanding these determinants, the proceeding pages will deal briefly with the main ethical determinants that this author has noted as bearing the most importance. The first way in which this ethical consideration necessarily differs from that of the traditional approach is the fact that the patient is oftentimes not able to make informed and/or rational decisions based upon their own health. As a function of this, it is necessary for the healthcare provider to extend all of the ethical considerations towards the caretakers of the patient in question. This is oftentimes a very difficult proposition due to the fact that many times the caregivers of the individuals with dementia do not have medical power of attorney or other legal powers that allow them to make the decisions required. A secondary ethical determinant that must be considered is the level of trust that is engendered with the patient and the family.

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