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Hi, I need help with essay on Ethical Issue in Advanced Practice Nursing. Paper must be at least 2750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!They include the Strong model, Manley’s model and Benner’s

Hi, I need help with essay on Ethical Issue in Advanced Practice Nursing. Paper must be at least 2750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

They include the Strong model, Manley’s model and Benner’s model. To solve the problems above, the Strong model is the most effective due to its seven encompassing and interrelated domains. The nurses have a role to play in ensuring that the quality of patient care given to patients is high and satisfying.

Quality healthcare is paramount for the development of the society and the whole nation at large. The importance of having healthy citizens cannot be understated, and this directly points to the vital and crucial roles played by the nurses. Advanced practice nursing is paramount in ensuring that the nurses who help patients and the general society are not only qualified but also provide the best of services for everyone. The healthcare that nurses provide plays a great role in saving lives, minimizing complications, campaigning and promoting the well being of people, prevention and reduction of suffering and also plays a great role in reducing health related expenditures (Patient-Centered Care, 2013). As a career, nursing has advocated for the frail and the vulnerable and has enlightened the community, all in a bid to improve the quality of life. Suzanne Gordon described the important roles that nurses play (Kelly and Tazbiri, 2013). She described how nurses, with their deep and considerable knowledge take care of the patients from the dire consequences of diseases and illnesses, infirmity and physical challenges, and the challenges of undergoing some illnesses. They take care of the patients in hospitals and in care homes, or even by caring for them at their homes when the patients lose their ability to perform much of the daily tasks, even the most basic of them such as turning in bed, going for long or short calls, walking around the house or even feeding (Kelly and Tazbiri, 2013).

Diagnosis, prescription and

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