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Hi, I need help with essay on Evaluating The Research Methods. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!This is whereby data is collected and analyzed so as to come up with a tren

Hi, I need help with essay on Evaluating The Research Methods. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

This is whereby data is collected and analyzed so as to come up with a trend or gather information from it. This is in contrast to deductive approach which collects data with an already pre-existing hypothesis and looks to prove or disprove it.

His research is also non experimental since he has no controls and his results do not have a specific precision that they must fulfill. This is in contrast to experimental research where the observer has a controllde environment and has a precise expected result.

His research is also quantitive in nature since he relies on numerical statistics to come up with results. A good example is the way he also samples several tourist hotels for bed occupancy after taxation and uses this data to come up with generalizations about the whole industry.

In one instant where he says they edited a book on Japan day to day life, he was an active observer. This can be deduced from the questions that he sought to answer e.g. why vending machines were so prevalent. From this easy, it is easy to see that a researcher can choose to use a mix of methods to best suit his aims.

Mak, J., Moncur, J. E., & Yonamine, D. (1976). Selected summary statistics of U.S. westbound visitors to Hawaii: From the 1974 Hawaii Visitors Bureau visitor opinion survey. Honolulu: University of

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