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Hi, I need help with essay on Family of murdered schoolgirl meets UK gov't. Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages... The report revealed th

Hi, I need help with essay on Family of murdered schoolgirl meets UK gov't. Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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The report revealed that Dowler family members of a murdered 13-year old girl named Milly Dowler in 2002 met with Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, and was demanding the resignation of News International's chief executive, Rebekah Brooks, who was spearheading the report of the incident during that time. The gist of the report indicates that “the scandal exploded last week when it was reported that the newspaper had hacked the phone of the 13-year-old murder victim in 2002 -- even as her family were frantically searching for her. The tabloid's operatives reportedly deleted some messages from the phone's voicemail, giving the girl's parents false hope that she was still alive”. The article likewise provided information that Brooks had no knowledge of the alleged phone hacking. The scandal paved the way for the closure of the New of the World weekly paper after a remarkable 168 years’ span. Further, the Associated Press was revealed to advise that the $19 billion negotiations currently being forged to take full control of the British Sky Broadcasting, a satellite broadcaster, has been jeopardized by the incident. As acknowledged, “Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who is responsible for dealing with the proposed bid, said he would seek advice as to whether the scandal raises questions over whether News Corp. is "fit and proper" to hold a broadcasting license”. ...

news sites have reported the scandal and the public is entitled to be given full transparency to issues that touch on ethical dilemmas and corporate social responsibility. The Associated Press was cited to aver that “the 80-year-old Murdoch, the News Corp. CEO, has publicly backed News International's chief executive, Rebekah Brooks, who led News of the World when its reporters committed some of the most egregious ethical lapses” (Associated Press, 2011, par. 16). The news organizations are expected to adhere to the highest standards of adherence to ethical codes and moral discipline due to the nature of the service they provide to the public. Transparency and truth are the ultimate considerations when reporting incidents, despite the controversial natures of the events. Not only do the public expect reports to be delivered in the most objective manner, free of biases. but more importantly, all personnel connected with news organizations must be committed to ethical codes of conduct and responsibility to society. There is some disagreement in terms of Murdoch’s public view of support for Brooks who is still being questioned and investigated in terms of full knowledge on the phone hacking incident. As the Chairman and CEO of News Corporation, Murdoch should have exercised objectivity and maintained a neutral stance while the case is being investigation. By initially publicly supporting Brooks, despite their years of business relationship as colleagues, any compromising outcome could add injury to the situation. Further, I agree to the need to closely evaluate the move of according full control for Murdoch to own and operate the BSB.

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