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Hi, I need help with essay on In the News. Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!The article argues that this trend will continue to grow in future as interest of the people in

Hi, I need help with essay on In the News. Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

The article argues that this trend will continue to grow in future as interest of the people in the internet is expected to increase in coming years. Ad tracking companies attempt to increase the experience of the viewers and this is the main reason why they are expected to do good in future. The article also forecasts that in future customers will be targeted with more relevant and quality advertisements.

The material discussed in the article is both important and relevant to course content. Internet advertisement has become an important area of advertisement. Gone are the days when managers had to worry about print and television media only. Digital media and social media is an all new territory for managers and today they have to focus more on such media in order to achieve their sales target. This is why the article is completely related to the course content and in also important for future managers.

The article has great managerial implications for future marketers. The growth of internet marketing tells managers what audiences are interested in. Managers should focus more on the digital media than any other media in order to attract audiences because this is where the future

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