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Hi, I need help with essay on Just answer 7 questions. Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Unfortunately the recalled products relate to Lee Der, one of Mattel’s long term

Hi, I need help with essay on Just answer 7 questions. Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Unfortunately the recalled products relate to Lee Der, one of Mattel’s long term suppliers. Lee Der have been working with Mattel for the past 15 years. This suggest that problems have not been caused by a new relationship in outsourcing.

Although Mattel has dedicated employees to ensure the quality of products produced by sub-contractors, it is believed that the erosion of margins and pressures in the market have lead to such employees turning a blind eye to bad practice and corner cutting in the manufacturing process.

The Chinese government responded to the incident with the revocation of a third of export licenses of manufacturers in the region. In addition, Mattel has subsequently reviewed it quality processes and increased to level of testing do on products before items are exported for

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