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Hi, I need help with essay on Knowledge management. Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!d that KM is supported as a means of harnessing and utilizing intellectual resources

Hi, I need help with essay on Knowledge management. Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

d that KM is supported as a means of harnessing and utilizing intellectual resources to address challenges, as well as improving innovation, business performance and client approval.

This paper aims at providing annotated bibliography for the topic of knowledge management. After careful selection,

five articles have been found from the online library, and these have been discussed here in the paper. A common format has been used for summarizing the articles to be able to cover the major aspects of the paper.

The main aim of the article is to identify the nature of the methodology employed by top business and management journals and to analyse the aspects that are considered while creation of the management knowledge.

This article has used a very different approach and completes its sampling from the various other management articles that have been presented in the past. Based on this, the following information: Sample: A hundred and twenty articles have been chosen from leading management journals between the periods of 1991 to 2000.Instrument: Secondary Data collection (Desk Study) Analysis: The analysis of the article focuses on the characteristics of the authorship and also focuses on the research methodology adopted by the sample articles.

The research findings clearly provides detailed explanation of the authorship profiles, where it has been found that majority of the contributors are senior academics and only as low as 6% of the total papers were actually by lecturers or assistant professors. The major contributors were the associate professors and the professors. The findings also find that majority of the authors were male with around 35% of the authors as female.

This research although not directly related to the topic, proves to be very helpful and impactful in the field of research as in knowledge management. This article helps the students and the readers identify with a various set of important aspects like the reliability, and validity of the

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