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Hi, I need help with essay on Nuclear Power. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages... The thirst for domination is inherited in the blood o

Hi, I need help with essay on Nuclear Power. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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The thirst for domination is inherited in the blood of every human. Powerful people always try to dominate others. For example, nuclear powers are currently ruling the world. Only few countries such as USA, Russia, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and possibly North Korea and Syria are believed to be the nuclear powers at present. Iran is trying to acquire nuclear power. Iran believes that America and Israel like countries are harassing the Arab world and it is necessary for Arab countries to acquire nuclear power to silence the threat from these countries. At the same time, many people believe that nuclear power helps countries to avoid unnecessary wars. For example, India and Pakistan came close to many wars in recent times and international community was successful in avoiding these wars by empowering these nations with respect to the consequences of nuclear wars. At the time of writing this paper, newspaper reports show the threatening message issued by North Korea against South Korea. Moreover, Iran is also issuing warning against enemy countries. On the other side, India and China like countries are trying to use nuclear power for energy needs. In short, nuclear power can be used for constructive as well as destructive purposes. This paper analyses the problems associated with the possession of nuclear power with the help of conflict theory. The causation of the problem with the help of conflict theory On one side, the available resources in this world are exhausting rapidly and on the other side, population growth is taking place rapidly. Thus, the natural resources/ head available for individuals are getting decreased as time goes on. Our society is made up of individuals competing for limited resources such as money, properties, leisure, sexual partners, etc. Only the dominant individuals and groups will get the major share of the natural resources whereas others struggle to get anything even for their survival. In short, society is constructed with unequal systems which may end up in conflicts of different types. “Social conflict entails unsolved political problems. Social conflict is a struggle waged by a group of people for a common cause. There are two main characteristics for social conflicts. First, unlike market-type conflicts, which are carried out within a voluntary exchange framework, social conflicts involve coercive power and domination” (Vahabi, p.-2-3). Until the 1980’s, America and Soviet Union ruled the world. The cold war between these two countries caused many problems in the world in the past. However, none of those conflicts attained the proportion of a war because of the fear of consequences of a nuclear war. Many countries took shelter under the wings if these two nuclear powers to safeguard their interests. For example, India was more aligned towards Soviet Union whereas Pakistan aligned more towards America in the past. However, the destruction of Soviet Union made lot of changes in the global politics. America was emerged as the sole superpower after the destruction of Soviet Union. Even though China is trying to challenge America’s supremacy in global politics and economic matters, American interests are well protected in the world even now. One of the surprising facts about nuclear nations is that they are trying to avoid the spreading of nuclear power.

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