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Hi, I need help with essay on Nursing Leadership. Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages... The perception towards the nursing profession is

Hi, I need help with essay on Nursing Leadership. Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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The perception towards the nursing profession is established through the various day to day interactions that take place between nurses, the public, administrators and patients and their families. I am of the opinion that nurses who can locate their inner leader and employ it effectively in the conduct of their duties, regardless of the level in the organization that they contribute, discover that they are capable of positively impacting patient care, and produce desired outcomes. After going through the entire course of nursing school in which nurses are taught on techniques, procedures and policies, nurses enter the working world in which leadership is a part and parcel of the job description. Nurses are called upon to lead their patients to wellness and steer them away from diseases while at the same time leading other nurses towards growth and learning. Nurses also lead doctors and physicians into greater communication and thoughtfulness. It is my opinion that, in order to a true leader in my nursing profession, I will have to invest a lot of energy and time, and money, as well, into my own personal leadership development. My personal plan for becoming a true nurse leader entails five vital elements (Parse, 1997). Firstly, I will begin by becoming knowledgeable of pertinent issues that affect people in the medical environment. This knowledge includes both professional medical knowledge, as well as appropriate conduct in various situations. Such knowledge will be instrumental in shaping my conduct as a nurse leader, as well as the manner in which I handle situations I experience in my profession. Secondly, I will establish practical goals and continually change them when I meet a set objective. This will allow me to appreciate my present position and have an in-depth understanding of where I aim to be in a certain period. For instance, I am currently an RN team lead working in a 20 bed psych unit. My present goal is to attain my Bachelors degree in nursing towards the end of this year. After meeting this goal, I will endeavor to go on and attain a Masters degree in hospital administration. This form of education will effectively enhance my leadership capacity and provide for constant growth (Grossman &amp. Valiga, 2012). My plan also entails constantly reminding myself to remain focused on my goals, as well as effective ways to attain these goals. I seek to avoid taking events too personally in order to remain objective in my judgment, decision making and leadership as a whole. My plan for becoming a nurse leader also entails sustaining my love for the fight, which entails recognizing resistance as an indication that I am making an impact and realizing appropriate results rather than an impediment to growth. The last element in my comprehensive plan to become a nurse leader is to cultivate gratitude by remembering that there are always positive things to attain even in the face of challenges. To me, nursing leadership entails the possession of numerous critical qualities. The first quality is self confidence, which allows nurses to appreciate what they need to and maintain their personal integrity and genuine self (Institute of Medicine, 2010). Courage is also essential in the enhancement of nursing leadership since it allows a nurse to take on well thought out risks rather than continually playing it safe.

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