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Hi, I need help with essay on Rebuttal and/or counter argument. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!On the other hand, technology has a negative global impact in several ways

Hi, I need help with essay on Rebuttal and/or counter argument. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

On the other hand, technology has a negative global impact in several ways.

Electricity has brought good to the world, but one cannot afford to overlook its negative impacts. The discovery of electricity has increased the number of catastrophes such as fire outbreaks, pollution and electric shocks.

Poorly installed electrical appliances have been the leading cause of most fires in the world today. The contact of water with electric currents and short-circuits result to fire. Electric shocks that result from electricity has led to the loss of lives and incapacitation to those it hits. Lastly, technological advancements in power have increased pollution. Fossil Fuel power plants emit air pollutants such as sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides which lead to the formation of acidic rain (Hosale 6). Radioactive particles produced from accidents at a nuclear power may lead to deaths and render the surrounding area inhabitable.

Technology has enabled businesses to thrive by boosting large-scale production of goods and making it easy to carry out complex industrial processes (Oak 3). However, technology in the economic industry has had adverse effects. Video-conferencing is less personal than meeting face-to-face. This business technology has undermined business relationships that should be personal. Spam e-mail messages are time wasting. The time spent on reading them and that spent when checking diverted messages to the spam filter is a waste of time. The growth of e-commerce negatively impacts small businesses. Competing with internet companies pushes out small businesses.

Technology has negatively affected communication. Cell phones allow users to be connected every time. this is important in the case of emergencies. However, they are distractions and cause accidents, especially to distracted drivers (Hosale 16). As a result of the anonymity when accessing the internet, instances of online

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