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Hi, I need help with essay on The Impact of New Induction/Mentoring on Beginning Teachers in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Paper must be at least 7500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Mentoring new

Hi, I need help with essay on The Impact of New Induction/Mentoring on Beginning Teachers in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Paper must be at least 7500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Mentoring new teachers can have an impact on student achievement, thus when a teacher is effective in the classroom, student achievement increases. The scope of this study focuses on new teacher induction and the impact of mentoring new teachers. A mixed-method approach is used to study the induction and mentoring program for beginning teachers, mentors and school administrators. A survey was used to ask both qualitative and quantitative questions that examine the induction and mentoring program. The findings determine the effectiveness of an induction and mentoring program in a large urban school district. Dedication Thank you to my husband and best friend, Bobby for 33 years of love and support. Thank you to my daughter, Aurelia for continued inspiration. Thank you both for the freedom to explore opportunities that took me away from the family for three years. You have been my strength and motivation to complete this journey. I am truly blessed to have you both in my life. From the bottom of my heart thank you and this study is dedicated to both of you. List Of Tables Table 4.1 Frequency and Percentage Breakdown: Mentors’ Graduate Degree................ 34 Table 4.2 Frequency and Percentage Breakdown: Mentors’ Field of Study.................... 35 Table 4.3 Initial Support: CMS New Teacher Orientation............................................... ...

............................. 41 Table 4.7 Frequency of Mentor Classroom Observations................................................ 42 Table 4.8 Frequency of Observations in Other Classroom .............................................. 44 Table 4.9 Frequency of Mentor Classroom Teaching .................................................... 45 Table 4.10 Frequency of Mentor Conferences on Various Topics................................... 46 Table 4.11: Beginning Teachers’ Future Plans…………………………………………..48 Table 4.12: Frequency of Sharing Information on Professional Development Offered by CMS……………….………………………………………...50 Table 4.13: Attendance to New Teacher Courses of the Teacher Professional Department.................................................................................................51 Table 4.14: Having a Trusting Supportive Relationship………………………..……….57 Table 4.15: Correlations of Effectiveness of Mentoring Practices and Intent to Remain in CMS…...58 Table 4.16: Correlations of Effectiveness of Mentoring Practices and Having a Trusting Relationship with Mentor……………………………………………….59 Table of Contents Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………………….i Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………………………………..ii Dedication…………………………………………………………………………………………………iii List of Tables……………………………………………………………………………………………...

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