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Hi, I need help with essay on Therapeutic Procedures in Colorectal Endoscopy. Paper must be at least 4000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Colorectal endoscopy can be considered as one of the proced

Hi, I need help with essay on Therapeutic Procedures in Colorectal Endoscopy. Paper must be at least 4000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Colorectal endoscopy can be considered as one of the procedures that play an important role in the detection of the status and health of the colon and the rectal area. This can be attributed to the fact that its can capture the state of the related organs on video and present a view on the severity of the polyps in the body of the patient (National Cancer Institute, 2007a).

Although the said procedure can determine and can contribute essential data on the severity of the polyps that can be found in the colon and rectal areas of the patient, the colorectal endoscopy is not considered as a primary procedure. This can be attributed to the risks and the insufficiency of the proofs that can justify the use of the instruments for the procedure. Included in the risks that are associated with colorectal endoscopy are complication, perforation of the polyps and the mortality rate. In terms of the complication rate, based on results of prior studies, there is an overall percentage of 1 to 2 percent. On the other hand 0.1 percent of the perforation rate in the patients with the polyps in the colon and rectal areas were recorded. The mortality rate of 0.05 percent had also been recorded. Also, on the basis of the studies pertaining to the U.

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