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Hi, need to submit a 1000 words essay on the topic A critical evaluation of marketing slogans and its impact on organisational branding: a case study of McDonalds (UK).According to Motameni (1998), br

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words essay on the topic A critical evaluation of marketing slogans and its impact on organisational branding: a case study of McDonalds (UK).

According to Motameni (1998), brand is not at all an easy thing. It not only denotes the actual tangible product but also it is the unique property that a specific owner has created so as to hold grip of the tangible and intangible goods. It also helps to appropriately differentiate those products that are otherwise similar to those of the competitors (Motameni, 1998).

According to Grant & Et. Al., (2005), brands serve as an important tool for the marketing. Whenever the marketers create any strong brand then it helps to attract the mass consumers because of the unique feature that it possess and also serves to build a self protective wall against competition (Grant & Et. Al., 2005).

According to the Giddens (2010), branding has been one of the most significant factors that affects the success or the failure of the product in the market. The term branding is used by the businesses in order to market a new product, protect the positioning of the market, offerings of the product to be broadened and to enter a new product category. There has been four different types of branding like new product branding, flankers branding, brand line extension, brand leveraging. A sensible brand is the important feature without which it really becomes difficult for the marketers to differentiate the products. Without a proper brand the choices of the customers become subjective in nature. Therefore branding is considered to be a very important activity in the consumers market. It is to be remembered that the brand needs to be clear, unique and specific for the product. There are various steps that are to be followed in order to establish a good and sensible brand. First of all it becomes utmost important to find a name for the product. The name must be easy to remember and must be specific to the product. It is also important to keep into mind that the name doesn’t exceeds more than three words as it really becomes difficult for the customers to remember and recall

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