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Hi, need to submit a 1000 words essay on the topic Research a women's health condition and interview someone that has personally faced this issue.By far the most common form of cystitis is known as Ba

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words essay on the topic Research a women's health condition and interview someone that has personally faced this issue.

By far the most common form of cystitis is known as Bacterial Cystitis. About 20-40% of women will suffer from bacterial cystitis in their lifetimes. 1 Interstitial cystitis ( IC) is caused by a trauma to the bladder, the exact causes are not known but.

Some IC patients reported that their symptoms began after a traumatic event, such as a fall, car accident, pelvic surgery (i.e. hysterectomy or ovarian cyst removal), childbirth or chemical exposure in a swimming pool.&nbsp. Others believed that their IC began after a severe UTI or as a result of another medical condition, such as fibromyalgia. Some patients thought that their excessive drinking of sodas (diet & regular sodas), ccoffees and/or alcohol was the cause of their IC. The common factor in all of these events is their potential for irritating the bladder wall. ( Interstitial Cystitis Network)

Other types of cystitis which less common are known as eosinophilic cystitis ( caused by the appearance of a large number of bacteria called ecosinophils) ,radiation cystitis ( found in patients with cancer) and hemorrhagic cystitis. For all types of cystitis the symptons are generally the same, frequent and painful urination, cloudy and foul smelling urine and pain in the lower back and kidney area. Taking a urine test will show the appearance of blood in the urine and the presecene of white or red blood cell to combating the infection. If cystitis is left untreated or worsens it can lead to a number of complications including kidney infections and renal failure.

This assignment deals with treating the more common Bacterial Cystitis. In the majority of cases the condition can be successfully treated at home and the symptoms will clear up within 2-3 days. Home treatments include drinking lots of fluids including cranberry juice. For fast and effective pain relief taking one teaspoon of bio-carbonate of soda in a class of water or buying over

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