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Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Japan's Education System Before And After World War Two.

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Japan's Education System Before And After World War Two. The teaching culture in Japan differs greatly from that of schools in the west. Teachers are particularly concerned about developing the holistic child and regard it as their task to focus on matters such as personal hygiene, nutrition, sleep that are not ordinarily thought of as part of the teacher's duties in the west. Students are also taught proper manners, how to speak politely and how to address adults as well as how to relate to their peers in the appropriate manner. They also learn public speaking skills through the routine class meetings as well as many school events during the school year (Education in Japan). Japanese educational system is trying to develop the complete personality of a child. Unlike the western educational system, the teachers in Japan undertake more responsibilities in the making of a Japanese child into a socially acceptable and professionally skilled future citizen. Elementary educational system is completely different in Japan when we compare it with that of other countries. The supervision of teachers in elementary classes is negligible. The children are free to make noises and have the freedom to engage in whatever the activities they like. At the same time, teachers may not give the burden of home works or assignments during this period. In short, Japanese children were able to enjoy the elementary education as much as possible. Such a curriculum approach is undertaken in Japan in order to prevent children from hating education. Even though elementary education is enjoyable to the children, the education following elementary education may not be so.

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