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Hi, need to submit a 1250 words essay on the topic Design the Training Plan.Indeed, ADDIE has been very useful to determine how the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employees would be enhanced

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words essay on the topic Design the Training Plan.

Indeed, ADDIE has been very useful to determine how the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employees would be enhanced that would be suitable to the cultural values imposed by the Hilton hotel (Thomas, Mitchell, & Joseph, 2002. Chevalier, 2011). With ADDIE, trainers for Hilton staff of Texas will need to improve their assertiveness,

time management, initiative, and open-mindedness skills that were used as a basis for the training design and development.

After completing the 5 scenarios. Participants will be divided into five groups with eleven members each. The members of the group will line up face to face and fold their folders that would be connected to the folders of their co-members. The folders of the members would serve as bridge to let the egg surpass from one folder to the other as the group members could walk and catch the eggs until they would reach the finish line. &nbsp.

The situation is that the world is in danger as it is infected with deadly toxic wastes and this will destroy the world in a matter of time if it will not be neutralized. The challenge for the participants is to transfer the balls (toxic waste) from the small bucket to the large bucket, for neutralization. However, there is a radiation circle surrounding the two buckets and must maintain a distance away from it. If a participant will go beyond that circle he/she will suffer a severe injury or death. It is in the hands of the group to save the planet within 20 minutes or else everybody will be doomed.

This is an indoor activity. Participants are divided into partners by counting them off by two. Let the partners decide who will be number one and who will be number two. The participants who are number one will be lead out of the room and have them blindfolded. The blindfolded participants are called the casualty of war and they are stuck in a field of mines. But they don’t need to worry because their partners will going to rescue

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