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Hi, need to submit a 1250 words essay on the topic Organizational Diagnosis of Palm.Download file to see previous pages... The name 7S describes the seven elements of an approach to organizational des

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words essay on the topic Organizational Diagnosis of Palm.

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The name 7S describes the seven elements of an approach to organizational design and review all starting with the letter S: strategy, structure, systems, staff, skills, style and shared values (Daniell, 2004). The strengths of the 7S model rest upon the variables included in it, which are generally deemed important for any organization. and that the inter-relationship between the elements is considered in the model. However, its weakness lies in the absence of an external environment and variables relating to performance (Burke &amp. Litwin, 2009). It should not, therefore, come as a surprise that the 7s model has been singled out as the culprit in many unsuccessful bids at strategizing in the higher level (Daniell, 2004). Congruence Model The Congruence Model was formulated by Nadler and Tushman in 1977 based on their assumption that an organization is as open system. As such, an organization is affected by its environment in the same way, although not in the same extent that the organization molds its environment. As explained by Nadler and Tushman, it is not enough that inputs, outputs and components are listed and described. The Congruence Model depicts the organization as a dynamic entity and uses the term fit to measure the equivalence between two pairs of inputs, particularly between the elements of the transformation process (Burke, 2011). The main issues against the congruence model include: the equal weight given to each of the organizational dimension, which does not approximate the reality that in different organizations, one or more of the dimensions are ‘weightier’ than the others. and the fact that no recommendations were given to aid in determining whether or not congruence is in place. Burke-Litwin Model The Burke-Litwin Model operates on the belief that organizational change is brought about primarily by environmental factors. Various organizational factors are viewed as a collection of interdependent components which all operate on a common environment. The interdependencies present in the organization such as mission, strategies, leadership, and culture help effect organizational transformation and drive improvements in individual and organizational performance (Noolan, 2006). Six-Box Model Weisbord called his framework the six-box model to represent the six interacting variables, namely: purpose, structure, relationships, rewards, helpful mechanisms and leadership. Preziosi (1972) added a seventh box into the six-box organisational model when he prepared the diagnostic questionnaire to provide inputs on readiness for change among the members of organisation. The six-box model offers a method of examining the structure of an organisation and how the organisation functions in order to determine how a planned change effort can happen within such organisation (Shapiro, 2011). Ironically, Burke (2011) maintained that the strength of the six-box model also contributed to its weakness. Particularly, Burke (2011) noted that the simplicity offered by the six boxes in understanding organizations suffers from the pitfall of complications arising from the six boxes under-representing the other variables involved in the diagnosis of an organization.

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