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Hi, need to submit a 1250 words essay on the topic Superiority of films after adaptation from literature.Adaptation of literature into film involves the production of a film or a motion picture presen

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words essay on the topic Superiority of films after adaptation from literature.

Adaptation of literature into film involves the production of a film or a motion picture presentation of a literary work that was initially found in writing. Most of the time, this step is taken to make the message in the literary work more understandable and to present it in a more attractive manner. This is evidenced in the conversion of the literature above into film. During this production, a number of components and characters are changed to suit the theme of the story. The authors of the literature are Joe Simon who was a comic book writer, artist, editor, cartoonist and publisher in America who created and recreated a number of characters and Jack Kirby who was also a book writer, artist and editor in America renowned for his innovations and high level of creativity. The authors discuss the aspects of how a hero can be welcomed home after a long period in the war. Captain America as a hero and provide him with all the necessary triumph as he is shown to be clad in the American flag and decking Hitler. The image that is presented is meant to portray him as an American patriot. The directors and the producers of the film who are Joe Johnston and Kevin Feige are an American filmmaker who is known for making effect-driven movies and an American film producer who is also the president of Marvel productions respectively.According to the directors, the main aim for the adaptation of the literature into film was to set the scenery of the Second World War into the modern day world.

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