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Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Independent learning plan 2.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Independent learning plan 2. ful in solving the children’s learning problems, and making the information (confidentially) available to the people that are directly connected with the children’s learning processes (Snow & Hemel, 2008).

[ 2] The common procedure utilized in preparing the questions to determine the level of children with special needs is by preparing both oral and written tests. But whichever test to use depends on the child’s ability to comprehensively reveal itself either only through speaking or writing or by both (Ysseldyke et al., 2006). Age, previous exposure to any form of education and parental cares have been identified as helpful factors in successfully determining the level a child with special needs may be placed (Ysseldyke et al., 2006. Converse, 2009). There are six levels altogether, and each level up represents a more complex stage in the child education. Level one questions are general questions and could cover questions such as the student’s personal information, location of objects, activities and routines, future predictions, etc. (Cline, 1992). Level two questions could cover areas on directions, experiences, preferences, schedules, etc. Level three questions cover past events, polite requests, opinions, logical deductions, future conditions, etc. Level four covers past actions, infinitives, describing, second conditional, etc. Level five has questions on present perfect simple, third conditional, suggestions, defining relative clauses, and generalizations. For the case of level six, the questions focuses on complains, regrets, future perfect simple, reported speech, etc. (Bartlett & Wegner, 1987). The following are the examples of six-levelled questions that could be prepared orally or in written form for children with special needs to answer:

3. Classroom Organization: Each child will seat on a chair across from a wide table and facing each other but not touching each other with their bodies to avoid distraction.

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