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Hi, need to submit a 1500 words essay on the topic HR Strategy Responding to a Union Organizing Drive.My first approach in this case will be to create a communication bridge between the management and

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words essay on the topic HR Strategy Responding to a Union Organizing Drive.

My first approach in this case will be to create a communication bridge between the management and the workers by being friendlier with them. Unless and until each and every employee starts opening up, it will become difficult for me to discuss the issues with them. The employees need to realize the fact that the labour unions chosen by them were doing well in negotiations. The company on the other hand needs to be aware of all the rules of NLRA and also the fact that if the elections took place and the union was not voted then there would be an appeal. In a representation election representatives are given a decision of one or all the more bargaining agents or no illustrative whatsoever. To be confirmed as the bargaining delegate, a singular or a work association must appropriate a greater part of the substantial votes throws. My next step will be to ensure that the supervisors are taking proper care of the employees in sense that all the problems of the employees are being communicated to the management on time. The supervisors are the representatives of the employees. It is their duty to receive the messages and deliver it to the management. In order to ensure this, I will be conducting a face to face meeting of the management, supervisors, and the employees where all the issues will be discussed. This will also maintain a transparency between everyone. In case the union is at fault, an election may be held by understanding between the head honcho and the singular or work association guaranteeing to speak to the representatives. In such an understanding the gatherings might state the time and spot coincided on, the decisions to be incorporated on the ticket, and a strategy to figure out who is qualified to vote. They might likewise sanction the NLRB Regional Director to lead the election.

Collective bargaining is characterized in the Act. Segment 8(d) of NLRA, requires a business and the agent of its representatives to meet at

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