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Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Analysis of War against the Idols: The Reformation of Worship from Erasmus to Calvin.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Analysis of War against the Idols: The Reformation of Worship from Erasmus to Calvin. Priests had the powers to forgive adulterers and murderers, and could even bless cattle and farmlands. Moreover, saints were held in high regards such that they could heal the blind, prevent lightning, and preach to all animals including birds and fish. All this happened around the year 1509 after the birth of John Calvin. However, changes in politics that happened in the preceding years changed the way people held their God in high esteem.

Iconoclastic reformation leaders ensured that the people had a reason to rise against Catholicism in the 1600s. These leaders included Farel and Calvin whereby the latter was the most outspoken. Protestants in France, because of the threat that was posed by their political leaders and Catholics led to an uprising that targeted Catholic churches. Politics played a fundamental role in European countries because the majority of the leaders were Catholics. This led to a situation whereby iconoclastic reformation started to urge their followers to rise against any idolatry leader. People realized that they could fight for their rights because they learned that they had the powers to resist any authoritarian rule. The leadership that was offered by the likes of Calvin had a fundamental impact on religion.

Calvin was against the false religion as he used to refer to it. He went around Europe preaching to the people about the importance of ignoring Catholicism because he believed that, what the people were being told by the priests was not possible. In addition, the people were more enlightened and thus they could such for answers for their desires. In his expeditions, Calvin landed in Geneva in the year 1536 were he had gone to spread the gospel of saying no to a false religion (Eire 2).&nbsp.

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