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Hi, need to submit a 2000 words essay on the topic International Marketing Mix.In case of the consumer base enjoyed by the company, there is a sharp segmentation in terms of the target group. The basi

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words essay on the topic International Marketing Mix.

In case of the consumer base enjoyed by the company, there is a sharp segmentation in terms of the target group. The basic target group of the company includes people in the upper income group starting from the age of 30 and above. Further, the people who have retired and are in the age group of 50 and above, serve as a major source of profitability. Another important source of income for the product is the Internet. Therefore, the important element in the application of the entry point strategy for Tutbury’s is to recognise the age and income groups that predominantly define the demographics in India, before going on to carry out segmentation and reach suitability in terms of the marketing mix. In this case, the entry point strategy may be used as a preliminary process that will help develop the marketing mix. This entry point strategy has been defined throughout the paper in the various elements of the marketing mix so as to find a suitable base for segmentation and subsequent brand positioning.Entry Point StrategyIn terms of the suitable model to be used for the development of a relevant marketing plan and strategy, we have made use of the International Market Entry Mode Strategy for this company. This strategy is ideal for those companies that wish to diversify geographically. (Walter et al, 1988) This strategy along with others that have to do with market segmentation and brand positioning for maximum customer satisfaction will be used in order to evolve a strategy that is best suited for the purpose.

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