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Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Adopting Linear Wireless Sensor Networks for Border Monitoring.
Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Adopting Linear Wireless Sensor Networks for Border Monitoring. Any gap or monitoring loose within the borders might cause a severe damage to security of that country. In modern times the border patrolling has become a challenge and requires high degree of accuracy. It is a matter of national security and safe borders make up for safer cities. In past the border monitoring was conducted through manual means of physical check posts or the placing of an entire military unit. Technology has made things easier. The best form of border surveillance involves minimal human intervention which comes in form of installing of wireless sensor networks that detect the motion in the vicinity and respond accordingly. The border monitoring is done in various forms through use of technology. It is either done in form of satellite monitoring, or the cameras attached to the sensors, or in form of towers and other material being installed across the borders which serve as concrete obstacles and at times are contained with explosive materials. However these all need some sort of improvements and there is margin for increasing the efficiency on the borders. There are many existing systems that meant to be for border monitoring starting from fence and wall to very complex systems such as There is emerging interest in developing intelligent border monitoring systems to help countries protect their citizens Modern monitoring systems have much more demanding requirements: Large, busy and complex landscape, the use of heterogeneous technologies, the real-time acquisition and interpretation of the evolving landscape. instantaneous flagging of potentially critical situations in any weather and illumination conditions Real-time monitoring of landscape Variable topography: coastal plains, high mountains, dune, and large deserts. Existing Systems: Helios – Sponsored by British company Fotech Solutions. It consists of fiber-optic cables, lasers & detectors. Hellios is being implemented and proposed for surveillance across Southern Arizona borders in specific and other parts of America as well. It has number of features that separate it from the other existing border surveillance devices. It minimizes the hassle of wires, has considerably larger scale and accuracy along with synchronization with the G.P.S. GPS based Surveillance System: Global positioning system can either operate independently or in collaboration with the sensor networks. In the first case, through the satellites, the motion can be detected, and traced into forward positions, and in case of sensor networks, the alarms are being sent through the nodes which are tracked through the G.P.S devices and they enable further tracking of material across the no go areas. The use of GPS based surveillance system can be extended to the internet and HTTP protocol which will enable finding the record in the data base and hence reach the exact details of individuals. A general characteristic of G.P.S based surveillance system is the ability to detect weapons and other metal based material which might not be traced through conventional forms of surveillance devices. They enable identifying and detecting the movement done from the starting point and hence and tell what might be hidden inside the vehicles and other covered parts of the caravans in form of the business and trade goods that normally go pass the borders(Haggerty, 2010).