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Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Nutrition: Grapefruit Diet. The whole plant, including the flowers and most especially its fruit, can be made to treat fungal infections, acne, indig

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Nutrition: Grapefruit Diet. The whole plant, including the flowers and most especially its fruit, can be made to treat fungal infections, acne, indigestion, liver and gall bladder conditions, urinary infections, and even insomnia (Allen and Allen, 2007). It gained its popularity during the Great Depression during the late 1920s when “grapefruit, along with other citrus fruits, could be had for free with orange food stamps from the welfare board” (Allen and Allen, 2007). Because it has become a staple food during that time, the Grapefruit Diet emerged during the 1930s and became a fad diet during the 1970s up until the 1980s (Allen and Allen, 2007 and Kellow, 2007a). The fad diet asserted that by eating one-half grapefruit or drinking an eight-ounce glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice with every meal, a person can lose an average of ten pounds in twelve days (Allen, 2007). Although it was not scientifically proven, they claimed that this was due to the enzymes of the fruit that can burn fat fast (Allen and Allen, 2007).

The Grapefruit Diet has again resurfaced today. Now, research has been made to support their claim on the effectiveness of the diet, together with set meals that dieters must follow. However, many still doubt if this fad diet is good for the body.&nbsp.

&nbsp.The proponents of this new and improved diet assert that grapefruit possesses a fat-burning enzyme and has a low glycemic index that speeds up a person’s metabolism (Kellow, 2007a, and Wikipedia, 2007). Because of this recently scientifically proven fact, dieters can eat what they normally eat provided they eat grapefruit or drink the juice before meals (Enbysk, 2007). The general theory is that one can eat fatty foods as they are burned rapidly by the enzymes in the grapefruit. However, the latest version of this fad diet has a strict menu of only 800 calories per day and is exactly limited to three full meals without snacks in order to speed up the weight loss (The Diet Channel, n.d.). The fad diet also does not permit for almost all foods with complex carbohydrates (The Diet Channel, n.d.).

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