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Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Technological Warfare. A war has to be between more than one side, the side that has more people has an advantage since it may access more resources

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Technological Warfare. A war has to be between more than one side, the side that has more people has an advantage since it may access more resources such as human services or monetary support. One way of ensuring that a side has the number of people it needs is by ensuring that the war has a course and that the people on one’s side are aware of this. The paper shows how some technological approaches have been utilized to influence the views people have towards war.

One of the most famous war photos was taken by Eddie Adams in February 1st, 1968. The photo was taken in Saigon and showed the execution of Nguyễn Văn Lém by Nguyễn Ngọc Loan. The loan was a police chief general and the shooting was at the beginning of the Tet Offensive. Adams won numerous accolades as a result of taking the photo but maintained their notoriety. The impact the photo brought forth was that of great magnitude, and many cite it as one of the most indispensable pieces of the Tet Offensive. It garnered a lot of interest from many people than any other piece about the war, including all the film footage. It is difficult to find any work that revolves around the Tet offensive that does not devote a section to Adam’s photo (Anderson 2004).

In 1969, Adam won the World Press Photo award and the Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography which was both attributable to the photo. He downplayed the awards since the photo was very controversial with some citing that it was inappropriate for Adams to have taken the picture. However, the picture was one of the most memorable incidents of the Tet Offensive and caused outrage from most people.

Mr. Loan was supposed to be on the side of anti-communist just like most of the Western World, but the act brought forth many questions about the participation of the allies in the war. To begin with, the photo was highly criticized for what it portrayed.&nbsp.

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