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Hi, need to submit a 2250 words paper on the topic Personal Stress Students Go Through.

Hi, need to submit a 2250 words paper on the topic Personal Stress Students Go Through.

Stress has become one of the major problematic issues in contemporary society that has affected individuals and the general public. Every individual faces issues and challenges social and personal issues that are the major contributing action in the pressure and anxiety in the behavior patterns of the individual. In recent society, nearly 80% of the students are reported to be victims o stress and burden in their daily lives. It is also observed that stress negatively affects the mental and cognitive condition of these students that can affect their professional and academic performance.

Not only the external factors are the cause for the stress, but it also involves their personal, family, works lives and relationships. Personal issues have found to be one of the prominent elements that either enhance the performance or low esteem of college students.The increasing stress among college students is one of the alarming trends that have to be adequately addressed by a psychologist as the increased stress can lead these young people to adopt negative behaviors, such as committing suicides, alcohol consumption, drug addiction, etc.

This is because of the reason that stress has detrimental effects on the physical and mental condition of the students (Newmann). There are three of the common stress that is frequently encountered by college students, that is, Distress that causes the body to react in a negative way. Eustress is the positive stress that leads the individual to correspond the issues in an effective manner and Traumatic stress is however less common than Eustress and Distress but has the greater impact on the cognitive and health condition of the individual.

Traumatic stresses are the result of extreme mental and physical influences.A college student comes across several issues in this stage of life, due to which they are facing, several forms of stress. The mainly personal stress college students face& the biological stress sources, emotional stress sources, spiritual stress sources and social and environmental stress sources. The main cause of biological and social stress is intense spiritual stress.&nbsp.

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