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Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic I want you to paraphrase the Human Rights Standards, i will write down in the description bow what i want you to write about.This is in order to avoid

Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic I want you to paraphrase the Human Rights Standards, i will write down in the description bow what i want you to write about.

This is in order to avoid undermining the presumption of innocence and to reinforce the prosecution’s case. Similarly, a trial judge’s direction to the jury is nonjudgmental and not mandatory as per the law. This implies that the jury is at liberty to establish that the accused had acted with objective founded on the evidence presented at trial. The court should ensure that it upholds human rights of the accused to access fair trial and prove his or her innocence. The jury needs to gather enough evidence that finds the accused to be on the wrong of committing the unlawful act. The human rights standards protect all the accused persons against unfair justices or disregard of their innocence by the trial courts. As a result, it ensures that the courts must confirm without any trace of doubt that the accused was liable of committing an unlawful act or had the intent of breaking the

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