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Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic The theory of natural selection has been applied to human culture in many different realms. How are the forces that produce diff.In this writing, the

Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic The theory of natural selection has been applied to human culture in many different realms. How are the forces that produce diff.

In this writing, the set of principles in Charles Darwin’s natural selection, which drives biological differentiation, is compared with the principles of social stratification. First, there are already innate differences that causes further discrimination ( In biology, individuals of the same species may develop differently when exposed to different environments. Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) in Washington have a different color pattern from that in Nevada (Thorpe). In society, initial differences also drive social stratification. In India, where social stratification still obviously persists, the rich became rich because he came from a rich family. In contrast, the poor cannot reach the same affluence because the society simply does not permit such occurrence. Second, there is differential reproduction ( In the end of Jurassic era, the huge terrestrial animals might have gone extinct, but the boring creatures such as cockroaches continue to live on until the present. However, unlike in Biology wherein the favored group of creatures prospered, it is not the case in society. Rich Chinese clans, for example, only allow marriages among their family members, so as to maintain their huge assets within the same knit of people. Third, there is inheritance ( For example, in humans, the two-leggedness has been passed more successfully than four-leggedness, because the stand-up stance can better utilize their eyes in searching for new places to move on. The same absoluteness cannot be said about society. The traits inherited do not do anything to the social stratification. Among the rich, it is only the name that allows one to be in a favorable strata. However, not all family members do not really end up rich. Those that have become rich did not just have the name, but also the persistence and education This character, in turn, can only be molded with experience, not heredity. References Thorpe, R. S. Geographic Variation: Subspecies, The Patterns of Geographic Variation, Causes of Geographical Variation, Methods of Investigation, Genotype and phenotype. Available at: Anonymous. Natural selection.

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