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Hi, need to submit a 2500 words essay on the topic Creative Marketing.Download file to see previous pages... It is about trying something new or replicating a process in a market where introduced deve

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words essay on the topic Creative Marketing.

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It is about trying something new or replicating a process in a market where introduced developments challenge traditionally or customarily practice. It is about introducing a fresh perspective to look at products or process in a new way to improve products and services. This is a way too finding strategies for customer acceptance of the product and to ensure their satisfaction (Harris, 2010). Creative ideas do not simply pop up from nowhere. Often, this is a result of deep analysis, understanding, research, or from collective brainstorming which is maybe an accidental, deliberate or logical consequence of emergence of new or unorthodox thoughts (Infinite Innovations Ltd., 2011). Creative thinking flows from being constantly in touched with realities and are often questioning it, analyzing it with context and drawing some self-awareness about a product or ideas’ helpfulness. Creative thinking has its fundamentals too. This was explicated in Bloom’s Taxonomy which theorized that human thinking skills are characterized with knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation (Bloom, 1984). Knowledge refers to factual information that is learned from schools, experiences, stories and narrations or descriptions (Bloom, 1984). Comprehension is about cognitive understanding of meanings that either describes, forecasts, differentiates, identifies, explicates or interprets (Bloom, 1984). Application on the other hand means the utilization or maximization of information or knowledge to demonstrate, examine, classify, examine or experiment it to specific situations (Bloom, 1984). Analysis relate to examination of information to understand its framework, structure, meaning, applicability, and its context. Synthesis on the other hand means the application of prior knowledge and skills to combine and rearrange information to make a new pattern. This is different with evaluation-- the latter includes cognitive ability in deciding or judging using set of criteria or standards (Bloom, 1984). Equipped with these skills, immediate advantage benefits business sectors who can make decisions with distinction, originality, and discriminate ability to nurture business with creative minds. Creative thinking is essential in entrepreneurial endeavors because marketing relate so much on developing products viz-a-viz price, place, promotion, packaging, competitiveness, people management, performance, psychodynamics, company’s stature and of branding to extol quality (Johnson &amp. Lamb, 2011). All these tasks demand sustainable strategies which can only be sourced from ingenuity, attitude and creativity of business leaders (Rajagopal, 2008) to meet the challenges of a competitive dynamics of the market. Moreover, innovativeness and competitive competence are relevant in business management that require techniques in conducting analytic studies done by marketers constantly involve in doing factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, conjoint analysis and comparative analysis which help a lot in knowing consumers’ decision-making in purchasing commodities or products. Factor analysis determines statistical variability (Lehmann, Gupta &amp. Steckel, 1997) used in situation where data substantially large for study. Cluster analysis is done for grouped data (Lehmann, Gupta &amp. Steckel, 1997) and determines similarities and variations between local and regional markets.

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