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Hi, need to submit a 4000 words essay on the topic Executive Leadership.Download file to see previous pages... The researcher is effective at team leadership and his team is performing based on Tuckma
Hi, need to submit a 4000 words essay on the topic Executive Leadership.
Download file to see previous pages...The researcher is effective at team leadership and his team is performing based on Tuckman’s model. His conflict resolution style is collaborative and his spiritual leadership follows Fry’s causal model characterized as high in calling and membership, and correspondingly high in commitment and productivity. The researcher exhibited transactional leadership. The main goal of this researcher is to rev-up his skills and experiences towards transformational leadership, to facilitate his ultimate target of being a transformational coach. The leadership development plan was formulated in the light of the goals and desired outcomes set by this researcher. Table of Contents 1.0. Executive Summary 1 Table of Contents 2 2.0. Introduction 3 3.0. Reflective Self Assessment 4 3.1. Qualities of Leadership 4 3.2. Leadership Skills 5 3.3. Leadership Traits 11 3.4. Leadership Styles 12 3.5. Leader-led Relations 14 3.6. Organizational Politics and Power 14 3.7. Developing Leadership in Others 15 3.8. Emotional Intelligence 15 3.9. Team Leadership 16 3.10. Conflict Resolution 18 3.11. Charismatic or Transformational Leadership 19 3.12. Spiritual Leadership 20 4.0. Leadership Development Plan 21 5.0. Bibliography 27 Leadership Style and Qualities Questionnaire (2011), viewed 14 April, 2011, http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/mmdi/questionnaire/ 28 Mental Muscle Diagram Indicator [MMDI] (2011), Free online report: Christy Lewis, viewed 14 April, 2011, http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/report/online/ 28 6.0. Appendices 29 6.1. Leadership Style and Qualities Questionnaire and Results 29 6.2. 360-Degree Feedback Comparative Results for 2008 to 2011 30 6.3. Interpretation table for the strength of relationship coefficients 32 6.4. Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EIQ): Snapshot Report Screenshot 33 6.5. Output of Statistical Tests 34 6.6. Leadership Style Questionnaire (Essex, 2011) 40 6.7. Leadership Traits Questionnaire 42 6.8. Team Leadership Questionnaire 43 6.9. Conflict Resolution Questionnaire 47 6.10. Transformational Leadership Questionnaire 50 6.11. Spiritual Leadership Questionnaire 52 6.12. Methodology 54 2.0. Introduction “Leadership is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations” (Kouzes &. Posner, as cited in Thomas, 2006 p.158). The aforementioned definition of leadership demonstrates this researcher’s simple and all-encompassing vision as a business leader: “working with people towards our common targets which define our uncommon zeal to innovate and excel”. Hence, this researcher’s personal mission is to “hone my skills and expertise in order to mature from being a transformational leader to a transformational coach”. This paper is a self-reflection of how this mission can be animated to sustain the aforestated vision. Accordingly, the succeeding paragraphs shall acquaint the reader on the person behind the vision. This researcher is a strategic leader with over 15 years of meaningful experience at the management level.