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Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Forrest Gump.The Director of the movie tackles sociological-cum-psychological problems of the mentally challenged children through the characterizatio

Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Forrest Gump.

The Director of the movie tackles sociological-cum-psychological problems of the mentally challenged children through the characterization of Forrest. Forrest, disadvantaged by a serious spine problem lives his life moment by moment, and each day he has to face sarcastic comments and humiliation from children for no fault of his. Academic discrimination follows, which his mother defies resolutely. Her suffering is perhaps greater than that of Forrest. For, Forrest is not aware of his problem and the mother is actively aware and she is concerned about him. She is not willing to send him to a special school and is determined to treat him on par with the normal children and expects the same disposition from the school Principal. The Principal is inclined to take advantage of her precarious position and seeks sexual favors from her for enrolling Forrest in the school.

In addition, Forrest faces ridicule from all ends, the neighborhood children and townspeople who rebuke him and treat him with contempt. Yet Forrest is part of the civil society and the active group that takes up many social and political causes and fights for them. He participates in the protest lead by George Wallace against desegregation, anti-war protests, the Vietnam War, Black-Panther Party meetings, and also Watergate Scandal. The Director of the movie cleverly depicts the mental state of Forrest and his poor level of understanding as he is part of the fight for mutually opposing groups. Forrest does not what is love or hate. He is just there like a marble statue, devoid of any feelings and emotions for the cause and has no worry about the consequences of such protests. He lacks critical thinking and as such his inner world is free from tensions and conflicts. He is ever calm and the worst situations do him no harm. Those social upheavals have no meaning for him. Forrest is clueless about the events that engulf the

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