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Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Modern Marketing.Download file "Modern Marketing" to see previous pages... More often than not, it is not the intrinsic quality of the product which a

Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Modern Marketing.

Download file "Modern Marketing" to see previous pages...

More often than not, it is not the intrinsic quality of the product which appeals to the customers but the intangible aspects like brand and image.

Having learned the essentials in promoting a specific product, I feel more confident in using it in my future career. The past lessons instilled in me the commitment of helping my business organization communicate its intended message to its customers.

Now, I am more conscious and convinced of the fact that it is not just the advertisements and commercials which makes up a brand identity in the market. More importantly, it is how the whole company from the executives to the front line employees performs which make up the brand image. A good example of this is Ritz-Carlton Hotel whose employees embody excellent customer service by developing them to be "ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen." In here, excellent service comes from the sales force-the staff-which directly interacts with the customers. The communication of the company's commitment to service excellence and the delivery of the "Ritz-Carlton experience" is through its staff dedication of fulfilling even the "expressed desire of the guests.

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