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Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Source Health Crisis Obesity.Download file "Source Essay Health Crisis Obesity" to see previous pages... In the medical world, among the several indic

Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Source Health Crisis Obesity.

Download file "Source Essay Health Crisis Obesity" to see previous pages...

In the medical world, among the several indicative parameters to determine the well being of a person is through Body Mass Index that is proportionate with his weight and height. A deviation from the normal range signifies that the person is obese. At present, 44 Million adults belong to the obese category,

while an additional 6 million more have BMI's, a hundred times more than an obese. Otherwise labeled by the author as "super-obese" (Schloser 240,241). According to several studies conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate at which these numbers grow every year does not qualify age, gender, race or even educational level. Currently, it is postulated by CDC, that 37 states in America have obesity rates of over 15%. Accordingly, this is attributed to the fact that good economy renders inexpensive and hefty meals, resulting to an increase volume consumption that is coupled with a sedentary lifestyle. A major point stressed by this article is the lingering effect brought about by the advertising industry, resulting to this epidemic no longer responsive to healthy management by conscious choice.

Statistics shows that a number of food-joint positions their product in market by offering large portion serving owing to the idea of getting your money's worth.

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