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Hi, need to submit a 750 words essay on the topic Project Part #2.The enthusiastic employees who are ready to get involve with the programme will be further motivated through explaining the positive o

Hi, need to submit a 750 words essay on the topic Project Part #2.

The enthusiastic employees who are ready to get involve with the programme will be further motivated through explaining the positive outcome of the programme. Once they are motivated, they can make the other employees understand the benefits of the programme. As per the human psychology, employees are more relax and comfortable conversing with their colleagues in comparison to their supervisors or boss. Even before starting of this programme, I will allow the employees to have few informal sessions among them in my absence. Apart from this, I will conduct a session where a few real life success stories of this programme will be discussed along with the positive changes that might actually happen with them. I have a strong belief that this session will be fruitful and a positive response from the employees can be noticed in due course of time.

Wellness programmes always have major impact on the employees. It not only enables the employees to increase their productivity but also it helps to make them happier and healthier. Even disease prevalence rate will also get lower. Through this programme, the extrinsic motivation will change into the intrinsic motivation and thus employee’s self perceived quality of life and quality of health will also experience change. Basically intrinsic motivation creates win-win situation for both the employees and the organisation and that can be possible through the activity that can provide intrinsic benefits to the employees. Wellness programme make the employees self motivated and they want to do the job by their own and not by force. It will lower the medical cost. employees can become stress free, gain physical fitness, increase stamina and improved mental health. All these factors enable the employees to lead a better work life. Also, these intrinsic benefits have an impact on the productivity of the employees which will further lead to various rewards and incentives that can be clubbed under the category of extrinsic benefits

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